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How To Install Xampp on Ubuntu 17.10

Hello guys, my name is Muhammad Nanda. I’m is coding and configuration user of information and technology. At this time i want to tell you how to install xampp at Linux Ubuntu 17.10
Let’s go to join this section
  1. You must have an computer with an Linux Ubuntu 17.10 operating system.
  2. Download Xampp Application for Linux operating system at the website official xampp Download Xampp For Linux.
  1. Format of the xampp for linux is .run to install this file you must execute this file with type command “chmod +x (”.
  1. Install this application with type command “./install (”.
  1. Follow the installation instruction from xampp official. I’m prefer you to say “Y”. After the installation successfully you can use this application correctly. To start the application type “/opt/lampp/lampp start”
  1. To stop the service of xampp you can type command “/opt/lampp/lampp/stop”.

Okey tha’s all for section install xampp on Linux Ubuntu. Thank you for your attention and see you and the next section.


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